Revolutionising audits for Multi-Academy Trusts

Date: Tuesday, 16th Jul 2024 | Category: Audits, Safeguarding

As a leader at a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), balancing the demands of overseeing multiple schools and ensuring high standards is challenging. One critical yet often overlooked aspect is the auditing process. Traditional methods can be time-consuming, inefficient, and resource-draining. Here’s how modernising your audit process can transform governance across your trust.

The challenges of traditional audits

Manual audit processes, relying on tools like Excel or Google Forms, come with significant drawbacks:

  • Errors and inaccuracies: Manual data entry is prone to human error, compromising audit reliability.
  • Time consumption: Compiling and analysing data manually detracts from strategic initiatives.
  • Inefficiency: Labor-intensive audits require significant resources, impacting productivity and morale.

Why modernise your audits?

Modern audit systems offer numerous advantages over traditional methods. Leveraging technology can streamline processes, improve accuracy, and provide valuable real-time insights.

Automating audit workflows reduces errors and saves time. Automated processes handle data entry, calculations, and reporting, allowing your team to focus on strategic tasks rather than repetitive manual work.

A centralised audit system consolidates data from all your schools into one platform. This unified approach enhances oversight and decision-making by providing comprehensive, easily accessible information.

Digital audit systems offer real-time reporting capabilities, giving you immediate insights into audit statuses, compliance levels, and key metrics. This enables quicker, more informed decisions and proactive issue resolution.

Modern audit systems are designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces that require minimal training. This ensures that your team can quickly adapt to the new system and begin reaping the benefits without a steep learning curve.

Key features to look for in an audit system

When selecting an audit system for your MAT, consider the following features:

  • User-friendly interface: Easy navigation enhances engagement and productivity.
  • Scalability: Choose a system that can grow with your trust.
  • Customisation: Tailor audits to reflect your trust’s culture and specific requirements.
  • Support and training: Ensure the system offers reliable support and comprehensive training resources.

Modernising your audit process is a critical step towards more efficient, effective, and insightful governance. By embracing digital solutions, you can streamline your audits, improve compliance, and free up your team to focus on delivering exceptional education.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to learn more about how Phew’s Audit System can revolutionise your audits and enhance governance across your Multi-Academy Trust.
01234 779050