New Active Patient Dashboard

Date: Tuesday, 23rd Mar 2021 | Category: PDMS

Have you heard about our new Active Patient Dashboard in our Patient Discharge App?

Launched this month, the new dashboard shows you everything you need to know about your active patients in one place.

The dashboard displays on all types of devices, including;

  • large wall boards
  • desktop computers
  • tablets
  • mobiles

And all numbers within the dashboards are clickable, so you can see detailed patient lists relating to the number.

Areas of the active patient dashboardHow is dashboard is laid out?

The dashboard is split into 10 sections, labelled A to K, which includes links to other reports, length of stay, patient flags and much more.

The sections (highlighted in the image) are as follows:


  • Section A – Link to other reports
    Quick access links to SITREP, Authority, PLT and Status summary reports.
  • Section B – Red to Green Patient counts
    Total account of admitted patients that are medical or medically fit.
  • Section C – Length of Stay
    Reporting total admitted patients with lengths of stage over 7, 14 and 21 days.
  • Section D– Discharges
    Reporting a breakdown of discharges and planned discharges.
    Yesterday is a total count of those patient discharges yesterday; Today is a combination of those discharged today and those with a planned discharge today; Tomorrow, planned discharges for tomorrow.
  • Section E – Patient Flags (Optional)
    Count on selected Flags to appear on dashboard (configurable within system).
  • Section F – Status totals (Optional)
    Count on selected Patients Status to appear on dashboard (configurable within system). e.g. Reason to reside.
  • Section G- Status group totals (Optional)
    Count on selected Patients Status Groups to appear on dashboard (configurable within system).
  • Section H – Unassigned notices (Optional)
    Count on selected Notices to appear on dashboard (configurable within system), reporting number of patients for 28 days who haven’t had that notice.
  • Section J – Top 5 Length of Stay wards 14+ days
    Table and graph reporting top 5 wards with a length of stay over 14 days
  • Section K – Top 5 Length of Stay wards 21+ days
    Table and graph reporting top 5 wards with a length of stay over 21 days.
If you would like to find out more about this dashboard or our Patient Management App, then please email or call 01234 779050.